Tips to avoid premature deafness

Seek silence
Big noise is clearly the worst thing for our hearing. If you are exposed to this noise you should try as far as possible to achieve a relaxing break for your ears. So go to a quiet corner.

Avoid noise
Fireworks, machinery and the excessive use of headphones should be avoided.

Hearing problems have become more prevalent recently. In children, there is often a otitis; in adults, however, the external ear infection is more common. In both cases, rapid treatment is advised at the first sign of symptoms.

Avoid excessive use of medication
Several studies have shown that excessive use of some medications can lead to hearing impairment. Thus, e.g. the abuse of common medications such as ibuprofen or aspirin can cause hearing impairment.

Do not smoke
Smokers have 70% more chance of hearing problems than nonsmokers. This claim was made on the basis of several studies, one of which was published in 1998 in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Other studies show a link between passive smoking and otitis media in smokers’ children.

Eat fish, raisins and dairy products
Certain foods protect hearing because of their high content of folic acid and vitamin B1. These substances have proven to be very important in combating age-related deafness.

Do not put any foreign objects in your ear
This advice may seem superfluous. Nevertheless, the known cotton swabs are not necessary according to the OMS, because the ear cleans itself. Well, until a certain age. Because, unfortunately, the earwax is produced tougher with increasing birthdays, so that there is a tendency to obstruction of the external auditory canal. Then you can only go to the ENT doctor.